Plot No. 38 Kirthar Road, Sector H-9/4 Islamabad, Pakistan


Sector Name Employed Supply Demand Annual Growth View
Agriculture 27.6m (38.5% of the total labor force(71.8m)) 25,795,000 1.09m(6.25% - 2.27%) 6.25
Chemical, Petroleum, Rubber & Plastic Goods 7.69m(16% of the total labor force(71.8m)) 1.07m to 1.6m 0.13m(8.0% - 6.29%) , (4.9% - (-10.24%)) -0.41m, 3.6% - (-8.09%))-0.34m Food (1.7% ) ,Beverages (-3.4%) &Tobacco -33.6
Food, Beverages & Tobacco (15-20% of the manufacturing sector) 1.6m - 2.1m 1,648,000  0.12m (1.7%-(-8.71%)), (-3.4% - (-3.39%)) -0.018m , -0.18m (-33.6% - (-23.78%)) Food (1.7% ) ,Beverages (-3.4%) &Tobacco -33.6
Metal & Metal Poducts (10-15% of the manufacturing workforce) 1.5 million 1,072,000 - 1,608,000 (-2.2% - (-13.83%)) -0.17m Metal products -2.2
Mineral Products (5-10% of the manufacturing workforce) 536,000 - 1,072,000 536,000 - 1,072,000 (-3.89% - 10.75%) -0.55m Coal (37.7%), Chromite (36.9%), Iron Ore (63.9%), Soap stone (29.3%), Magnesite (34.4%), Marble (23.2%) , Natural Gas (-2.0%) , Dolomite (-2.1%), Sulphur (-20.3%), Barytes (-10.9%) and Ocher -24.8
Other Manufacturing Industries (20-25% of the manufacturing workforce) 2,144,000 - 2,680,000 214,400 - 536,000 (-2.0% -(-5.42%)) -0.12m Paper Products -2.0
Paper & Paper Products (2-5% of the manufacturing workforce) 214,400 - 536,000 214,400 - 536,000 (-2.0% -(-5.42%)) -0.12m Paper Products -2.0
Textile, Wearing Apparel & Leather Products ( 40-45% of the manufacturing workforce) 4,288,000 - 4,824,000 4,288,000 - 4,824,000 (-8.3% -(-3.16%))-0.23 Textile (-8.3%),Wearing apparel (5.4%),Leather products 5.3
Wood & Wood Products (5-8% of the manufacturing workforce) 536,000 - 857,600 536,000 - 857,600 (12.10% - (-66.22%)) 3.76m 12.10


This website has been developed with the assistance of the TVET Sector Support Programme, funded by the European Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the Royal Norwegian Embassy. The Programme is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in close collaboration with the National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC) and a number of public and private sector organizations at the national and provincial/regional levels. The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the partner organization (s) and doesn't reflect the views of the TVET Sector Support Programme.

Contact info

National Vocational & Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC).

NAVTTC HQs., Plot No. 38 Kirthar Road, Sector H-9/4 Islamabad
